Monday, January 23, 2012

Checking Incestuous Lust Through Humor -- "Coyote Sleeps With His Own Daughters"

ARKive video - Coyote pair courtship and mating
Incest is frowned upon in many cultures, and its mention in a coyote trickster tale is etiologically significant--exposing an understanding of the complexities that self-aligning family structures bring.  The story "Coyote Sleeps With His Own Daughters" touches upon basal sexual desire (the titillatingly exposed vulvas (vulvi?) of coyote's two daughters), the pains of virginal sex, the anger of betrayal (coyote's wife chasing him with the knife), the unending pestilence of community (the boy was well aware of his father's presence in different form), and the perpetrator of social malpractice's (coyote) reconciliation of his own values (i.e. monogamous sex with one's life partner).

And for the realists, here's a video of coyote himself, grinding with the "miss".

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